When looking for a place to live, affordability, entertainment and quality of life are just a few of the factors people consider. Milton is the perfect place for people of all ages to raise a family, to retire and lifestyles. You’ll enjoy quiet neighborhoods and light traffic all around town. This community has gorgeous, custom-built homes and a family-friendly atmosphere. You’ll have everything from great schools to fun entertainment right around the corner. Many families live in Milton and residents tend to have moderate political views. And also, the job market is booming and opportunities are endless.
Economic and Residential Rate
The overall population of Milton is 39, 971 and 3.1% has an unemployment rate. The employment rate is 66.2% and the labor force participation is 68.4%. The poverty level is 5.5%. There are 527 homes for sale, ranging from $175K - &7.3M. In the last Feb 2020 report the rental rate in Milton is $1,532.
The Median List Price in Milton is $872,450. The median list price was less than 1% change from July to August. The Sales Tax Rate is 7.8% and the Income Tax Rate is 6.0%. The Average Income Rate of the resident is $54, 139 a year. Apart from the high housing market prices, the overall cost of living in Milton is fairly comparable to US averages. Though one other cost you’ll find a bit higher comes with transportation expenses. People living in Milton are mostly car owners.
Rent and Ownership
Schools in Milton
There are 12 schools in Milton,GA. There are 23.02% in less than high school, 8.11% in high school, 2.67% for bachelors or greater and 1.97% for some colleges.
Elementary Schools | 5 |
Middle Schools | 2 |
High Schools | 3 |
Private & Charter Schools | 2 |
With a new police force and fire department, the entire city is shaping the Department of Public Safety into a creative task force. In fact, the decals on the new police cars were designed by Milton High School students. There's no doubt this type of cooperative behavior will help Milton grow into a truly amazing city in other respects as well.
Top Attractions in Milton
1. Wills Park | 5. Top Golf |
2. Avalon |
6. Aurora Cineplex |
3. The Milton Book Trail |
7. Sharpshooters USA |
4. Ghost Tour |
8. Halcyon |
Contact us today, and let's talk about how the Gray Power Couple teamwork can make your dream place work.
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Last updated on Jan 21, 2025 8:17:pm.